Sunday, January 11, 2009


Everything was dark and completely silent. One could assume the time to have been one or two in the morning, when the world was still warm in their beds fast asleep.

The fog from the earlier rain rolled in, adding the picturesque scene. Thunder rumbled dimly from far away the tiny houses of London England trembled in fear, not wanting another storm.

A slender figure was walking slowly, its steps full of caution when she turned around the corners of tall buildings. It looked around, head continuously swiveling left and right as if it was checking to make sure it wasn’t being followed. A street lamp above flickered to life and cast an odd shadow across the face of the figure.

It was a woman. Pale blonde hair, matted with dirt and grime spilled in curls past her shoulder blades. Her soft, frightened brown eyes darted in every direction and her breathing was slow, but deep as if she was trying force her lungs to take in slow incoming oxygen to calm herself down. Her heart pounded furiously against her restraining ribcage, pumping thick, red viscous fluid through her spidery veins.

A shadow emerged, like the night, silent and stealthy. This figure was cut out like a man. Small and lean, but his muscles were visibly coiled, ready to pounce at his victim.

Her back was to him as she kept looking left and right, failing to check behind her. He could hear her fluttering heart get faster and faster almost as if she sensed he was close but efforts to see him were futile. He could smell the fear radiate from her skin, as well as her denial and confusion of reality and he couldn’t help but smile.

His upper lips curled back revealing a pair of barely noticeable, but distinct fangs. His eyes were bright azure, empty and cold as he walked forward slowly. No sound was audible from his footsteps when he continued to advance forward. He had been to patient for too long.

A low hiss escaped from his throat and the woman suddenly became immobile. The fine hairs of the back of her neck rose and her heart distributed ice to her limbs, numbing her fingers and toes. She whirled around in pure horror.

Go on,” he taunted, “Run...Scream, they won't hear you.”

Everything happened in a split second. He pounced at her and a bloodcurdling scream ripped from her throat only to be muffled by a crack thunder. The rain began to pour again, soon to wash away the red stains.

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